Ultimate Guide to Giveaway rules on Instagram in 2024 – Pure Influence

Ultimate Guide to Giveaway rules on Instagram in 2024

There’s some reason Instagram giveaways are so popular. They’re a great way to connect with fans, reward followers, and build excitement around your brand. But if you want to run a successful giveaway on Instagram, there are some giveaway rules on Instagram you need to follow.

This blog post will outline all the dos and don’ts of Instagram giveaways or Instagram contests in 2022. So, whether you’re just starting or looking to maximize your results, read on!

Key Takeaway

Instagram giveaways are a great way to increase your brand awareness and engagement. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind before you start giving away prizes.

First, make sure your Instagram giveaway is compliant with Instagram’s giveaway rules and regulations.

Second, consider what kind of prize you will offer. Something relevant to your brand and audience is always a good choice.

Finally, decide how you will select the winner of your Instagram giveaway. Once you have all of these details sorted out, you can start planning your giveaway and promoting it to your followers.

The Dos of Giveaway Rules on Instagram

1. State That Instagram Is Not Associated with Your Instagram Giveaway:

This is one of the most important Instagram giveaway rules. It would be best if you made it clear that Instagram is not associated with your giveaway in any way. The best way to do this is to include a disclaimer in your bio that says something like, “This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Instagram.

2. DO use an Instagram giveaway template:

There are many moving parts to an Instagram giveaway, so it’s important to have a plan. An Instagram giveaway template will help you organize your thoughts and ensure you don’t forget anything important.

3. DO choose a relevant prize:

Your prize should be something that your target audience would want to win. And it should be relevant to your brand. For example, if you’re a beauty brand, giving away a $100 gift card will be much more effective than giving away a pair of shoes.

4. DO set clear rules and eligibility requirements:

Make sure your Instagram giveaway rules are clear and easy to understand. Clearly state the entry requirements. This will help you avoid any confusion or frustration down the line.

5. DO use eye-catching visuals:

Instagram is a visual platform, so make sure your visuals are on point. Use high-quality images and videos and be creative with your designs.

6. Include the Start and End Date of the Giveaway:

Make sure to include your Instagram giveaway’s start and end date in your posts. This will help create a sense of urgency and encourage people to enter before it’s too late.

Ultimate Guide to Giveaway rules on Instagram in 2024

7. DO promote your Instagram giveaway:

Just because you’re running an Instagram giveaway doesn’t mean people will automatically find out about it. It would be best if you put in some effort to promote your giveaway and get people excited about it. The best way to do this is to post about it on your other social media channels, use Instagram Stories and Instagram ads, and reach out to influencers in your niche.

The Don’ts of Giveaway Rules on Instagram

1. DON’T choose an irrelevant prize:

Your prize should be something that your target audience would want to win. And it should be relevant to your brand. For example, if you’re a beauty brand, giving away a $100 gift card will be much more effective than giving away a pair of shoes.

2. DON’T set unclear rules and eligibility requirements:

Make sure your Instagram giveaway rules are clear and easy to understand. And be specific about the contest rules. This will help you avoid any confusion or frustration down the line.

3. DON’T make your Instagram giveaway too complicated:

The simpler, the better. When in doubt, err on the side of simplicity. You don’t want your followers to get frustrated and give up before they even have a chance to enter.

4. DON’T forget to deliver on your promise:

Once you announce the winner, make sure you follow through and send them the prize. This will help build trust with your followers and make them more likely to enter future giveaways. So, there you have it!

These are some essential Dos and Don’ts of Instagram giveaways. Follow these tips, and you’ll be well on your way to running a successful giveaway that builds excitement and engagement around your brand.

Examples of great (and not-so-great) giveaway posts

  • Example of a great Instagram giveaway post:

This Instagram giveaway is a chance to win a $100 gift card to Sephora. To enter, all you have to do is follow @sephora and tag 3 friends in the comments. The giveaway will run from now until December 31st. Good luck!

  • Example of a not-so-great Instagram giveaway post:

We’re giving away a free trip to Paris! To enter, just like this post and tag 5 friends in the comments. The winner will be chosen at random on January 1st.

What’s wrong with this giveaway post?

There are several things wrong with this giveaway post. First, there’s no mention of when the trip will take place. Second, there’s no mention of how many people can enter or if there are any other requirements. And finally, the prize itself is too general and irrelevant to the brand.

When it comes to Instagram giveaways, be clear, specific, and relevant. That’s the best way to ensure a successful giveaway that builds excitement and engagement around your brand.

How to track and measure the success of your giveaway

There are a few key metrics you should track to measure the success of your Instagram giveaway.

 First, track the number of entries. This will give you an idea of how popular your giveaway is and how well it’s being promoted.

Second, track the engagement rate. This is the number of people who enter divided by your number of followers. This will help you gauge your giveaway’s success in getting people engaged with your brand.

And finally, track the reach. This is the number of people who see your giveaway posts divided by your total number of followers. This will help you gauge how far your giveaway is reaching and how many people see it.

Tracking these metrics will help you measure the success of your Instagram giveaway and make adjustments for future giveaways.

giveaway rules on Instagram

Tips for creating a successful giveaway campaign

Regarding Instagram giveaways, there are a few key things you need to do to create a successful campaign.

1. Make sure your prize is relevant to your target audience. This will help ensure that the people who enter are interested in your brand and what you offer.

2. Second, set clear rules and eligibility requirements. This will help avoid any confusion or frustration down the line.

3. Third, keep it simple. The simpler, the better. When in doubt, err on the side of simplicity. You don’t want your followers to get frustrated and give up before they even have a chance to enter.

4. Fourth, follow through on your promise. If you say the winner will be chosen on a specific date, stick to that. If you say the prize will be shipped within a particular timeframe, make sure to meet that deadline.

5. Fifth, track the number of entries, engagement rate, and reach. This will help you gauge the success of your campaign and make adjustments for future giveaways.

6. Sixth, make sure your posts are high quality and engaging. This means using attractive visuals and writing compelling copy. Remember that people are scrolling through their feeds quickly, so you must grab their attention and hold it long enough to get your message across.

7. Seventh, use hashtags, Instagram Stories, and influencer outreach to promote your giveaway. This will help you reach a wider audience and increase the chances of people seeing and entering your giveaway.

8. Last but not least, be creative and have fun! Instagram giveaways are a great way to engage with your followers and build excitement around your brand. So have fun with it and get creative!


Now that you know all the dos and don’ts of Instagram giveaways, it’s time to grow your audience! Remember to stay organized, choose a relevant prize, set clear rules and eligibility requirements, use eye-catching visuals, and promote your giveaway. And don’t forget to include that all-important disclaimer! Have you ever run an Instagram giveaway? What tips would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below!

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